There is only one beingness, showing up in its own nature in, through, and as all that is, everywhere. That beingness, is-ness, essence, extends itself infinitely in all directions and as it does so, aspects of its fundamental nature cause some of what is being extended to be attracted to each other. In our universe Fermions (named after Enrico Fermi, the first person to split an atom) are the aspect of the one that tend to extend outward, and Bosons (named after Chandra Bose, the person who, along with Albert Einstein, discovered that some compounds cannot by taken apart) the aspects that tend to coalesce.
As the fundamental beingness continues to extend, the tendency to coalesce shows up as nodes within it, and as they attract more Bosons and increase their patterns of attraction and extension in complexity, they reinforce the experience and expression of the nature of the beingness.
So, for example, the elements of our universe exhibit more and more tendency to extend themselves as they are more and more complex. Hydrogen, the simplest, is constantly attracting and coalescing with other atoms to maintain itself. The more complex elements, uranium and “heavy metals,” constantly radiate aspects of themselves outward. The galaxies, stars, and planets made up of these elements can be seen to extend these qualities still further
The compound chemicals these elements form in the galactic clouds and planets exhibit the same pattern. Simple sugars bind together; complex proteins constantly form and reform, working with other proteins to make still more complex molecules.
The simple life forms, like protozoa and bacteria, consume to form colonies and grow until they can consume no more and it’s impossible to get to the resources needed to maintain the cells within the colony. The fundamental beingness of all-that-is attracts and coalesces within them, but the pattern of interaction between coalescing and extension is too simple to do more. It’s more complex in multi-celled life forms, which are typically more mobile, and the shift from reproducing oneself to merging with another to reproduce makes the pattern even more complex.
Which then leads to the ever-increasing complexity observed in the evolution of life forms. As each minute set of interactions occurs, attracting and extending at the molecular and cellular levels, layer upon layer of complexity can be seen to develop. The human brain, with its ganglionic bundle, on which is built a reptilian base, then a mammalian function, then a primate’s capacity to choose, and finally the integrative function connecting all of them with and in mutual support with one another, is a prime example of this process.
And with each layer of complexity comes an increased activity of the fundamental beingness, an increased capacity to choose to function in the same way.
Infinite Creation
So the question becomes: what is the functioning of the fundamental beingness, besides to extend itself and coalesce aspects of its extension? At the simplest level it is to continue to extend and coalesce in increasingly complex patterns. However, there is the fact of self-maintenance to consider. The beingness must maintain itself to continue to extend itself, which means there is a primal urge to benefit all aspects of being, to maintain the well-being of all within the whole.
So we are part of a creative process of extension and attraction, constantly working for the benefit of all the parts within the whole – all of which are continually creating through the same extension and attraction.
And since the whole process is extending out infinitely, it must therefore include infinite possibilities of nodes and structures. And each choice point, each time something coalesces or not, leads to another set of possibilities – and other universes.
In our universe, these possibilities have occurred within the framework of Fermions, Bosons, the elements they form, and the chemical compounds they form, leading to the various forms of life that have evolved over the millennia.
In other universes, though, this fundamental beingness may not be extending as the matter and energy that we see here. Fermions and Bosons may have their parallel in other forms besides matter and energy, so beingness may be extending as aspects of information, or patterns of connectivity, without the material base we’re used to. Or it may be extending as something we can’t even imagine.
A Second Universe
In fact, there are some universes that certain people have explored mentally where the tendency to extend and the tendency to attract seem to be exhibited as more like thought forms than the matter-energy forms of our universe. And across traditions and generations, around the world, thousands of people have described a realm in which people like us exist but without material form. Some call it the Astral plane; others say the “underworld” or the “overworld,” “dreamtime,” or simply another dimension of existence.
In that realm, connection through thought and emotion is fundamental. The beingness is the same, extending and attracting in new patterns, maintaining itself by benefitting all. The difference is that forms only exist as patterns of information form – no Fermions and Bosons forming matter and energy, but rather Thought as the tendency to extend and Feeling as the tendency to attract and coalesce.
In some traditions – ancient and modern – this other universe is actually overlapping ours and affects activity within the universe we sense around us every day. It’s as if we actually live in 2 overlapping universes, each of which branches into multiple other universes as the fundamental beingness continues to create through extension and attraction. Indeed, current astronomers and cosmologists are concerned about what they call “dark matter” and “dark energy”, which may simply be the overlap between these 2 universes: the one of matter-energy and the other of thought-feeling.
The matter-energy universe is limited to the continuum that is called space-time. It has the 3 dimensions of matter – height, width, and breadth – as well as the dimension of motion, or time. The thought-feeling universe, however, is not confined to these dimensions; it exists outside of space and time. Based on reports of experiences, another way of comprehending the 2 realms is that the thought-feeling universe surrounds and pervades the matter-energy universe, having more dimensions. String theory and various computer models say that the behavior of matter and energy suggests it is part of something that actually has 11 dimensions, which supports the notion that the matter and energy we experience actually emerges from the thought-feeling universe. It’s as if someone built a scale-model railroad and all the materials and energy that made it operate came from outside the model (which is why some scientists are wondering if we aren’t living in some other being’s “simulation” or “virtual reality”).
New Explanations
This way of thinking about our universe(s) helps to explain most experiences that are not explainable within the single, matter-energy universe model we’ve grown up with. Ghosts, psychic healing, nonlocality, entanglement, the placebo effect, morphogenetic fields – virtually all “psychic” “spiritual” “paranormal” and other mysterious effects in our world are far more readily understood if we accept the possibility that the realm of thought-feeling pervades and has an influence on the realm of matter-energy, and can be accessed by stilling the mind in a way that it is not impeded by matter-energy forms.
Let’s begin with the simplest: nonlocality and entanglement. These are the very well-tested facts that 2 parts of an atom that have interacted in a single structure can be separated, and when the condition of one is changed, the other exhibits the same change no matter how far away it is. The model described here has no problem with that, the 2 remain connected in the thought-feeling universe whether they seem to be connected in the matter-energy universe or not. Using the scale-model analogy, it’s as if 2 lights were put in different places on the model but remained connected underneath, so that when one is turned on they’re both turned on at once.
Morphogenetic fields also can be explained with this model. The theory of morphic resonance is based on the observation that otherwise identical cells in a body take on different shapes according to some predefined pattern (for example, the cells at the tip of our finger are identical to the ones below them but they curve at that point instead of continuing straight on). Biologists using very high-tech equipment have photographed images of salamander embryos with fully-adult forms visible around them, as well as various plants, animals, and people who are missing parts but the image shows the part that is missing as if it were still there. Rupert Sheldrake expanded on this idea when he observed that when one plant mutated in one part of the world, similar plants in far distant places often mutated in similar ways. He extended his research to include people making the same discovery at nearly the same time in isolation from each other, mice learning new mazes more quickly after other mice, elsewhere in the world had learned them, and many other examples. In a pure matter-energy universe this makes no sense, but in the thought-feeling universe surrounding space and time, the idea of something is its reality so these various forms are already in existence and always connected.
The concept of being outside of space and time leads to the concept of eternity. There is no beginning and no end, no birth or death, just existence in a creative process of attraction and extension. So the idea form is always present, whether the matter-energy form has emerged in space-time or not.
Which brings us to the presence of ghosts and other hauntings. If the idea of a person always exists, whether that person is in matter-energy form or not, then they can be present at any time, in any place, before or after birth or death in the space-time continuum. The only reason we’re not usually aware of them is that we have not yet learned to shut out the awareness of matter-energy forms to focus on the patterns that are only apparent with our inner vision. The reason we might sometimes suddenly become aware of them is that we’ve been distracted in a way that shuts the one and opens the other. People who often see such things have trained themselves to use the “inner eye” to see the patterns of information that are always present but don’t have enough matter-energy associated with them for visual perception to sense them. Brain scans have shown that their visual cortex is functioning in much the same way as when they’re seeing something with their eyes, even when those eyes are shut, or even masked. People who hear such nonmaterial voices have the same experience with the hearing centers in the brain. People who “feel” the presence of entities without the matter-energy forms present show similar activity in the centers governing their peripheral nervous system.
So, we live in a universe that has far more dimensions than our normal senses are trained to perceive. Within the matter-energy universe we are limited by those perceptions as well as the nature of space and time to perceiving matter and some forms of energy. In the larger, thought-feeling universe we are not limited in those ways but may experience any idea in whatever form we are open to experience, regardless of its location in space or time.
And, as the biologists photographing the fields around the body have seen, those ideas are whole and complete, lacking nothing. They are the full, complete, form of the being. The ideal. Plato understood this as the realm of the ideal. Physicist David Bohm called it the Implicate Order. Both had enough evidence to declare that the ideal exists and the material form is like a shadow of that ideal.
Which means that in the larger, thinking-feeling universe, the idea of each of us, each human being, must be whole and complete, lacking nothing. Only in the limited, matter-energy universe can limitations and lack exist. Only where space and time limit the creative process can the unlimited idea of a person experience lack of any kind.
And this is why spiritual, shamanic, psychic, and mental healing practices have been developed and used over the millennia – they access the ideal, the morphogenetic field of a person, and bring that into the person’s perceptual experience within the limited matter-energy universe. And it works! Thousands of healed cases each year are reported, and in anonymous surveys, even American doctors acknowledge that such methods work.
The Healing Process
How does it work? It comes down to a practitioner shutting out perceptions of the matter-energy form and accessing the ideal form in the thinking-feeling universe that is continually pervading and affecting the matter-energy universe. Then – and here’s the rub – the ideal form must be made to feel more real than the matter-energy form, for both the practitioner and the patient.
So, when a shaman rattles, drums, and dances, it is partly to shut out the matter-energy forms, but it is also to help patients know that a process is happening that will heal them. The same is happening when a Science of Mind practitioner recites the formula for treatment or energy healers move their hands around the body. Whatever the process, the practitioner shuts out the perception of the matter-energy form limited by space and time and uses the inner vision to sense the ideal form, the morphogenetic field, that surrounds and pervades the matter-energy form, then gets to a place of knowing that, as Einstein once said “the field governs the particle”: the matter-energy form has aligned with the ideal form and the case is cured.
That’s the activity. But something else must happen before this can. The shaman, psychic, practitioner, and healer must enter an awareness of the thinking-feeling universe as being more real than the matter-energy universe. They must learn to trust that what the inner vision sees, the inner hearing hears, is more real than what the eyes and ears have been trained to see and hear. They must overcome the training, in many cases, of a lifetime, to discover that the limited, matter-energy universe is only a small part of the human experience.
Our Destiny
For while the many universes, the uncounted stars and planets and microbes and mice, are the extension and so the expression of the fundamental beingness of all-that-is, and while dogs and cats and animals in the wild are able to “tune in” to the presence and thoughts of beings they relate to – whether present in matter-energy form or not – they all lack the one capacity the defines a human being. They do not know that all of us are part of what is creating all-that-is and that, whether we’re aware of it or control it or not, we are creating the matter-energy universe we live in.
And when we know that, and practice living that, we will have become what humanity was born to be and do. And then we shall begin to merge the 2 universes, so that the thinking-feeling universe no longer merely surrounds and pervades the matter-energy universe, invisibly. They shall be one whole and complete expression of the fundamental beingness of all-that-is. The ideal made manifest: heaven on earth. And so it must be. Amen.