This night is the end of the year in the ancient European (Wiccan) tradition. In the unfolding of the transition that we've called 2012, t's the end of an era - the full moon of 2015 completes the process that was centered on the winter solstice of 2012.
At this remarkable time I’m called to share what’s emerging in my heart and mind with you as I do my inner work. This is a long entry, so bear with me…
This life, this cycle on planet Earth, with this name and birthdate and set of gifts & talents and trainings, has been dedicated to replacing the distress that has been experienced on this planet for the past several thousand years with a way of living that is harmonious with all life, all spirit, all soul, all Beingness. From earliest memory, and constantly reinforced by numerology and astrology, I’ve understood that I’m here, now, to bring about a way of life across the planet that is based in Real Love (rather than romantic fantasies) and supporting the spiritual growth of all humanity toward Ascension of body-mind to new levels of being.
Emma Curtis Hopkins says "The finished kingdom, the “Archetypal World” is forever wooing the sons of men to look toward it that they may find themselves and their environments blessed with supernal newness."
She also says that those parts of the world where the land is barren and water is scarce are that way because of the sense of separation that the people who live there feel, believe, and act on.
For decades I have been showing people the possibilities of a new way of living, showing them that the world around us is the consequence of ways of thinking and acting, and that our actions for the past century (and in some places 6000 years), serve no one, really, even in the short term – they simply sustain a particular pattern of beliefs, values, and attitudes.
I have been insisting that the new way is emerging in, through, and around us, and that we need only to look for it to see it, only to live in alignment with it to watch it unfold in all aspects of life: “The lion lies down with the lamb” and the seas and skies obey our command.
At the same time, I have been living lightly, but not fully in the new way. The dissonance has been increasing for some time. The new house, and the work being done on it, is an example – skirting the edges of “green living”. The car, small and getting decent mileage, is in alignment; the number of hours it’s on the road is not… etc.
It’s time to “walk my talk” more fully: to live ever more harmoniously with the heart and soul and processes of Gaia/Nature, and with Spirit; to focus on the “archetypal world” that is awaiting our awareness to become our experience – individually and collectively.
As I work with that knowing at a deeper level, it seems to mean several changes in my behavior and activities:
1. Operate more fully as a living element in a living system called Earth
a. Pay close attention to what Gaia/Nature is telling me in each moment
b. Feel this body-mind interacting, being in mutual support, with the web of life
2. Reduce my negative impacts on the natural environment that Gaia/Nature uses to support and nourish us and all beings
a. Acquire only those things which serve multiple purposes over long periods of time
b. Find new, harmonious uses for what is already in my care
c. Let go of items that simply “take up space” or use excess resources to operate
d. Use physical activity and awareness of inner radiance to warm the body
e. Drive far fewer miles, which means i. Meet with people in far fewer places, not using the car to get there so often
ii. Stay in one place for several days at a time, not using the car for errands
iii. Perhaps moving to a situation where I can walk to meet most of my needs
3. Eat more thoughtfully from what is produced around me
a. choose more of my food from my garden
i. use permaculture methods to grow and sustain a healthy edible landscape
ii. continually bless the beings that participate in generating so much bounty
ii. gather and eat daily from the bounty with deep appreciation
b. buy fewer foods from other regions/seasons
c. return to my old pattern of choosing raw fruits, nuts, vegetables for most meals
d. pay attention when eating, blessing and appreciating each mouthful
4. Take lots of time every day to “go inside”, to feel the Presence and Power moving in me and my world, and see the “Archetypal World” coming into our experience
a. Begin, end, and allow often during the day a time of praise and thanksgiving for the world that is unfolding,, the culture that is emerging, in which all life, all humanity, experiences only the delightful process of becoming who we truly Are
b. Honor this inner process by setting aside limited hours for being available to meet with or do things for other people
i. 6 days/week (Saturday-Thursday) between 1:30pm and 8:30pm, wherever I am
ii. 2 Sundays/month between 9:30am and 1:30pm in Florence
iii. Arrange my home and offices to facilitate individual and group “drop ins” during those hours to share and explore and discover together
c. Stop using time and energy to set up and get to meetings and events
i. Trust that the right people are in the right place at the right time
ii. Trust that whatever needs to be said or heard is at the perfect moment
iii. Offer more online programs that may be viewed by anyone at any time
iv. Let you know whenever I’m traveling so we can enjoy being in the same place at the same time on this wonderful planet
v. Create a blog to share ideas, processes, explanations with folks who are not able to be where I am
d. Celebrate our connection with Gaia’s seasons and processes with seasonal parties
i. Inviting you to come enjoy delicious delectables and delightful dialogue with the folks who are on a similar path and wavelength J
ii. Sharing the beauty and bounty of my world with you
e. Limit acts of service to only those called forth from within
i. In each moment, check within to give up the habit of “helping” others when they ask me to do what is not mine to do
ii. Stop “emptying the pitcher” in order to meet others’ needs and requests
In all the world’s scriptures, we are assured that a new, heavenly way of being is awaiting our commitment to seeing it and living it, and not giving in to the beliefs and habits of the old culture. My life has been dedicated to fulfillment of that promise. Now I’m taking that to a new level, one that affects how we interact.
Specifically, that means, starting in November, I will NOT be
• doing a monthly seminar/lecture in Florence, Grants Pass or Waldport,
• attending Sangha at the Addisons on Mondays in Waldport,
• leading A Course In Miracles groups (in person or online – come chat with me wherever I am if you’d like support or clarity J), or
• leading dreams & goals or study groups – come chat with me if you’d like support or clarity on that, too!
What I will be doing is meditating more, blessing you more, spending more time in the prayer state, and holding sacred space for whomever appears, ready to enter heart-space with you and discover what is ours to discover in being together. (I’ll be gardening and home-making and writing more, too. J)
Specifically, starting November 4, I WILL
• welcome anyone who appears at my door between 1:30pm and 8:30pm Saturday-Thursday
o in Waldport most Saturday-Mondays, at my home
o in Depoe Bay Tuesdays-Thursdays and some Saturdays, at the Portal Center
o in Florence 2nd and 4th Sunday-Mondays, at the Florence Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship
• speak to the congregation at Florence Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship 2nd & 4th Sundays, being there 9:30am-1:30pm on those days and available to meet with folks both afternoon-evenings through at least June, 2016
• complete the current Gaia webinar series at Michele’s on Nov 14 and start a new one for winter
• gladly accept donations as your expressions of gratitude for whatever benefit you receive from what I have to offer, and in your practice of giving & circulation – thru Paypal online or in person;
• let you know when there’s a new video up on the web, and how to subscribe to my blog if you like (or just check it out now and then)
• let you know when I’m in your area, so we can connect in person
• and of course, I will definitely let you know when there’s going to be a party!
You are truly beloved, and I trust that you will understand and find ways to join me as we bring forth the New Earth into our awareness.
With Blessings and Gratitude, always